Buy your fishing through us and support the Tyne

Stop the spread of non-native species
The Tyne is home to the native white-clawed crayfish. Please don’t bring signal crayfish, or other non-native species to our lovely rivers. Please follow the check, clean, dry advice for all your fishing kit. See our invasive species page for more information about the threats to our rivers.
Tyne Angling Passport (TAP)
Our Tyne Angling Passport offers a day’s fishing on a range of ‘wild’ beats across the Tyne catchment for only £8 per day. All proceeds come back to the Trust and we then use the money to further improve the river. The beats primarily offer wild Brown Trout fishing but anglers can enjoy good fishing for Grayling on the river Derwent and for the occasional Salmon and Sea Trout on the Devil’s Water and the river Rede.
We’re grateful to the goodwill of the beat owners who by donating use of the beats, help to keep fishing accessible and affordable. In buying a day ticket through the Tyne Angling Passport you not only get a good day’s fishing, but you also support Tyne Rivers Trust in conserving rivers across our magnificent catchment.
Use the interactive map underneath to locate the beats and make a booking through our shop.
Game Fishing
The Tyne is the best river system for salmon and sea trout in England and Wales and is even starting to challenge some of the more famous Scottish rivers. The quality as well as the quantity of fish is superb; the season begins in February, with beautiful fish often caught on the opening day. Spring fish are gradually increasing in numbers with typically April/May being the best months. The best early season fishing up to May is on the main Tyne. Thereafter, the number of fish entering the river substantially increases. From June, the whole system produces steadily, with catches gradually increasing through July and August, and peaking in September and October. Post angling survival of salmonids drops markedly around the 19-20℃ mark and so we ask for anglers to stop fishing on those sections affected until it cools down. Please read our guidelines for more information on maintaining fish welfare during angling at
The Tyne’s rivers also have a healthy wild brown trout population, particularly on the river Derwent where quality grayling also feature in many returns.
You can book fishing on most of the commercial game fishing beats on the Tyne through FishTyne.
Coarse fishing
There is a great tradition of coarse fishing on the river Tyne. This includes some very good quality dace and sizeable chub, as well as roach and gudgeon. Most coarse fishing is concentrated on the main river and managed through local angling clubs.
Reservoir releases
Three of the Tyne’s major tributaries are regulated by reservoirs, the Derwent, the Rede and the North Tyne. Kielder Reservoir, at the head of the North Tyne, has a major impact on river flow and releases from the reservoir make the river more fishable. Before fishing, it is worth checking when releases are planned.