Tyne Rivers Trust
Tyne Rivers Trust > The River Tyne > Climate Change

Here’s 5 ways that we work to reduce the effects of climate change

Tree planting

As trees grow, they absorb and store the carbon dioxide emissions that are causing global heating.

Reducing the risk of flooding

We use natural materials to help slow the flow of water and sediment into the river to reduce the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall and extreme weather conditions.

Educating schoolchildren

Our River School project gives children the chance to connect with the outdoors and understand why we need to look after it

Fish Passes

As water temperatures rise fish need to eat more food. The river can only provide so much food so we need to ensure that the population can spread out and access all of the river. Fish Passes ensure that fish can get over man-made obstacles such as weirs to move up-river.

Reducing pollution from farming

As climate change causes more extreme weather conditions, there’s more run-off from farms which washes pollutants into the watercourse – we work with farmers to reduce their pollution.


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