Devils Water – Swallowship


Devils Water – Swallowship

1.6km, left bank for brown trout and occasional sea trout and salmon. Fly only, full catch and release. Major hazard – canyon 750m downstream of start of beat. Experienced anglers only beyond this point.

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The Devils Water is one of the major tributaries of the North Tyne, draining from Hexhamshire Common before running through a tight bedrock canyon, forest and farmland before finally joining the River Tyne above Corbridge. The Swallowship beat runs from Linnels Bridge for 1.6km through haughland and canyon ending as the river emerges into farmland above Dilston. It offers a mix of grades of fishing with wide open pools and steep sided rock cliffs to test even the most daring angler!

Download Swallowship Beat information

Length of Fishing – 1.6 km

Species present – Brown Trout; Sea Trout and Salmon (occasionally present)

Dates available –
Brown Trout: 22nd March—30th September
Sea Trout: 3rd April—31st October
Salmon: 1st February— 31st October

Rules – Fly only. Catch and release. No dogs or picnics.

Banks included – North only (left bank)

Maximum no. of anglers – 2

Beat Box location – Post on river banktop 20 yeards inside field

Upstream limit – Field boundary downstream of Linnels Bridge

Downstream limit – Edge of wood at West Haugh

Where to Park – Layby on north side of Linnels Bridge

Other information – River bed varies from gravel banks to rock floor – easy/moderate

Major hazard – canyon 750m downstream of start. Experienced anglers only past this point.

Directions – Take the B6306 out of Hexham to the south for 2 miles until you reach a narrow stone bridge. Park just before the bridge.