

The River Derwent runs from the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty through Derwent Reservoir, and down through the Derwent Valley before joining the tidal Tyne. Lintzford is immediately upstream of Rowlands Gill on the A695. Fly fishing only for brown trout and grayling. Grayling: Closed season15 March – 15 June, at all other times full catch and release. Trout: Closed season 31st October – 21st March, at all other times keep 2 trout over 11 inches only.

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The River Derwent runs from the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, through Derwent reservoir, and down through the Derwent Valley before joining the Tyne at Gateshead. Excellent unstocked water, with a good head of grayling and brown trout. The bulk of fish will be below 12ozs with fish over 1.5lb from the better (challenging lies). The beat starts below the cliffs near the private housing at Lintzford and extends downstream to the small stream immediately above the private properties at Rowlands Gill. Take care when wading particularly when fishing in the gorge.


Length of Fishing – 1 km

Species present – Brown Trout, Grayling

Dates available – Brown Trout: 22nd March—30th September, Grayling: 16th June—14th March

Rules – Fly only.  Grayling—Catch and release. Trout—Keep 2 trout over 11in only

Banks included – West only (left bank)

Maximum no. of anglers – 2

Upstream limit – Cliffs below Lintzford Farm

Downstream limit – Western end of Rowlands Gill (burn confluence)

Where to Park – Grass verge beside Rowlands Gill sign

Other information – Wading difficulty – Moderate

Directions – Head north out of Rowlands Gill on the A694.  Park on verge  by Rowlands Gill sign. Walk south through the woods till you reach the river.

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