Erring Burn – Beaumont House Farm
Beaumont House Farm
1.8km, north bank. Brown trout and occassional sea trout and salmon. Fly only, full catch and release.
The Erring Burn is a small but stunning tributary of the North Tyne with alternating vegetated and open sections characterised by a mix of deep water pools and fast narrow riffles. Challenging fishing in the North Tyne Valley overlooked by Hadrian’s Wall.
Length of Fishing – 1.8 km
Species present – Brown Trout
Dates available – Brown Trout: 22nd March—30th September inclusive
Rules – Fly only. Catch and release. No picnics or dogs.
Banks included – North only.
Maximum no. of anglers – 2
Upstream limit – A68 road bridge
Downstream limit – Fence line opposite Keepwick Mill ruin
Where to Park –
Other information – Little call for wading but beware deep holes! Pub and burger van 3 miles south on A68
Directions – Turn off the A68 onto a farm track 3.3 miles north of the A68/B6318 roundabout or 8 miles south of Ridsdale. Park in the farmyard and follow the fenceline parallel to the A68 south to the burn.