Cow Green Reservoir
If size does not matter and a walk on the wild side is required to wind down after the stresses of the week, Cow Green is for you! It is a large reservoir at 770 acres, located high in upper Teesdale. Use a light rod and carry what you need. You need to walk a lot to get the best out of the upland reservoirs. The is a Northumbrian Water fishery.
If size does not matter and a walk on the wild side is required to wind down after the stresses of the week, Cow Green is for you! It is a large reservoir at 770 acres, located high in upper Teesdale. Use a light rod and carry what you need. You need to walk a lot to get the best out of the upland reservoirs. This a Northumbrian Water fishery.
Length of Fishing – N/A
Species present – Brown Trout
Dates available – 22nd March – 30th Sept (inclusive)
Rules – Any method. Catch limit = 12 Trout. Minimum size = 9”
Banks included –
No fishing from the lodge to the dam. Access to the dam is by walking along the road.
Maximum no. of anglers – no limit
Upstream limit – N/A
Downstream limit – N/A
Where to Park – on site
Other information – Angling tip – Brook fishing methods with sparsely dress spider patterns work well.
Best not to wade – beware of soft ground.
Directions – From the B6277 at Langdon Beck take the turning by the Langdon Beck Hotel sign posted to Cow Green Reservoir. Car park is 2.5 miles up the road