Saltwell Park will soon be more rain resilient thanks to a rain garden being designed and built by pupils at Gibside School, with help from Tyne Rivers Trust.
The project, developed by Tyne Rivers Trust, the only environmental charity dedicated to looking after the River Tyne, will see pupils design and build a garden that harvests rain water and slows the flow during heavy downpours to reduce the risk of flooding.
Jack Bloomer, Deputy Director at Tyne Rivers Trust says: “A rain garden is one of the simplest and low-cost ways to reduce the risk of flooding and it’s a great way to teach children about the environment.
“By using natural materials, we’ll create an area that water can soak into and be stored, slowing down the rate at which it flows into streams and rivers, especially during extreme weather. This is something everyone can do in their own garden to help lessen the effects of climate change.
“The gardens will also provide space for flowering plants that will enhance biodiversity and help bees.”
The project has been funded by the Postcode Community Trust, which is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
The rain gardens project received £19,742 from the Trust to plant two rain gardens and teach children and the public how collective action can help to reduce flooding and tackle climate change.
The project will also see the Trust work with Corbridge Middle School to create a rain garden at the school.
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