Tyne Rivers Trust
Tyne Rivers Trust > About us > News > General News > FUNDING SEES SCHOOLCHILDREN SET TO GET THEIR FEET WET


Friday 3 November 2017

Schoolchildren across the north east are set to benefit from a Tyne Rivers Trust outdoor education programme thanks to two successful funding applications to the Ernest Cook Trust and Enviresearch. 

The Ernest Cook Trust funding of £7,905  will allow us to develop and test an education package aimed at teachers and children at Key stages 1 and 2, while a grant of £2,393 from the Enviresearch Fund will allow us to develop our successful Mayfly in the Classroom programme for children aged 10-13.

The education packages will be developed around 2 themes: The Story of the Tyne and Science on the River Tyne and will be readily available to all schools.

These new education resources will form a key part of the Trust’s package of My Tyne engagement tools. They will:

  • – encourage young people to understand and value their rivers, and make caring for rivers a higher priority, ensuring they make environmentally-sound choices as a result
  • – link to the Tyne’s long history and the way it has shaped local communities, and encourage a sense of ownership and long-term stewardship
  • – encourage young people to see rivers as places to enjoy the outdoors, to exercise and be more active
  • build teachers’ confidence/ability to relate curriculum-based teaching to the Tyne, eg. through teaching resources, training, providing additional staff with specialist knowledge and skills, health and safety resources.


Susan Mackirdy, Trust Director says: “We want all children in our catchment to have a passion for the Tyne and to understand the important role it plays in the region both environmentally and culturally.


“This education package will be developed with teachers in mind, giving them the information and confidence they need to take a group of schoolchildren down to their local river to explore the biodiversity that even the smallest stream can hold.


“We’re grateful to the Ernest Cook Trust for the funds to begin the first phase of our project.”

Tyne Rivers Trust is already applying for further funding to deliver the My Tyne project to schools by funding a permanent Education Officer at the Trust.


The Ernest Cook Trust is one of the UK’s leading outdoor learning charities. Rooted in the conservation and management of the countryside, the Trust actively encourages children and young people to learn from the land through hands-on outdoor learning opportunities on its estates and by offering grants. www.ernestcooktrust.org.uk

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