Tyne Rivers Trust
Tyne Rivers Trust > About us > News > General News > FISHING REPORT: W/C 2 MAY 2022


Riding Mill fish counter has recorded 227 upstream counts to the 26th April with 40 counted on the 24th.  Despite relatively low flow the water temperature has encouraged fish to access the river.

Salmon catches have mainly been in the Tyne from Wylam to Hexham, with one report of a salmon above Hexham.

The numbers of fish counts are encouraging and as spring salmon are considered ‘good takers’ it is worthwhile getting onto the river having a few casts and be in with a chance of a good fish.

Smolts are showing in good numbers, a rise in river levels would greatly assist them on their journey.

The trout season is well under way particularly on the Derwent where some very affordable fishing is available with Derwent AA , Axwell Park & Derwent Valley AA either by season membership or day permits including the Tyne Angling Passport with Tyne Rivers Trust. 

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