Tyne Rivers Trust
Tyne Rivers Trust > About us > News > General News > FISHING REPORT: 5 OCTOBER 2022


The wet weather has created high river levels which when falling, encouraged migratory fish to run. Following the rise on the 29th September, the falling water on the 30th produced a count of 784 in one day.

The counter at Riding Mill recorded 3361 upstream counts for the month, bringing the total for the year to 2nd October to 27,416.

Up to 400 fish have accessed the counter since then, bringing the likely count for the year close to 28,000 fish. The 5 year average is 27,603 and the 10 year average 29,544. The majority of fish accessed the river in July and August.

Please note the counter records both salmon and sea trout, the greatest number of counts are sea trout.

The Tynes are in spate again as this is written, fish will run again as this clears, however  more rain is forecast on Thursday followed by heavy rain on Friday. Hopefully the rivers will come into good order by Sunday.

The EA plan to commence works on the counter at Riding Mill on the 17th October, this is essential work to prevent failure of the counter in the  future. The work is expected to last until 21st October. During the works the gates will be raised during the day then lowered in the evening. During the day the bye pass channel will be open to facilitate fish  movement upstream. These works are dependant on flow levels and may be cancelled if flows are too high.

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