Tyne Rivers Trust
Tyne Rivers Trust > About us > News > General News > FISHING REPORT: 16TH JUNE 2022


Migratory fish counts at Riding Mill have improved recently, the count for the year to date on the 7th June was 1,097. May recorded a minimum count of 537 the majority occurring towards the end of the month. The early days of June counted 305 upstream counts, of which 95 were recorded on the 1st June.

The count is within the range recorded over 10 years albeit towards the lower end. This is not surprising as the catchment has had low rainfall and low river levels.

When there has been an increase in natural flow the fish responded. The river is in need of a decent spate to encourage fish to enter the system. The occasional freshets did assist smolt migration, although higher flows would have been better, hastening migration and reducing predation

The weather conditions have been beneficial to nesting birds, with Oystercatchers, Sandpipers, Dippers and Kingfishers having a successful breeding season.

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