Tyne Rivers Trust is a charity which works with people and communities to protect and enhance the River Tyne and its tributaries, so they are healthy, biodiverse, and an asset for present and future generations.
Our objectives are to work with the communities along both the urban and rural river catchment of the Tyne and its tributaries in order to:
- Improve and sustain the water quality and health of the river
- Encourage and contribute to sustainable economic development (where this is compatible with maintaining or improving environmental quality) by improving and rehabilitating the river
- Ensure that the river and the river corridor are managed in the best interests of a healthy population of fauna and flora, and encourage biodiversity of both wildlife and in-river species (fish and invertebrates)
- Ensure that the river can be promoted as a key regional asset in the development of tourism, and in the development of the regional rural and urban economy. The Tyne Rivers Trust will seek to understand better and to quantify the economic impact of an improving river, and related opportunities for high value angling tourism, and rural businesses such as tackle shops, B&Bs, restaurants and hotels
- Engage local communities along the river through education and awareness projects
- Act as a resource for statutory and non statutory agencies to enable beneficial projects in and alongside the river to be carried out
- Act as a resource and a catalyst for the preparation of a Catchment Management Plan in line with the EU Water Framework Directive
- Provide sound scientific knowledge and a central data base to support the proper management of this essential regional asset, and act as a reference point for other bodies whose work involves them with different aspects of the river and the river corridor