Volunteer update
8th November 2017November 17 Our volunteers have helped us to achieve some great work over the past few months – here’s a snapshot month by month. In August a group spent five days clearing Himalayan balsam at Mohope, the furthest point upstream where it’s been found in the West Allen river so it will be interesting to see […]
Farming fund exceeds 50 members
November 2017 We’re now working with more than 50 farmers through our Countryside Stewardship Fund. The fund is set up to focus on natural flood management and help local farmers and land managers to use techniques which improve soil structure, reduce sediment transport into waterways and slow down the flow of water through the river system. […]
2nd November 2017Friday 3 November 2017 Schoolchildren across the north east are set to benefit from a Tyne Rivers Trust outdoor education programme thanks to two successful funding applications to the Ernest Cook Trust and Enviresearch. The Ernest Cook Trust funding of £7,905 will allow us to develop and test an education package aimed at teachers and children at […]
24th October 2017An impassable stretch of river is now open to fish migration thanks to the hard work of Tyne Rivers Trust and Haltwhistle & District Angling Association. Former industry at Mossy banks on Haltwhistle Burn meant that the river had been narrowed creating a more difficult obstruction to migratory fish trying to move upstream to lay […]
RESPONSE TO EA CONSULTATION : Managing salmon fisheries in England and on the Border Esk
5th October 2017Tyne Rivers Trust is an environmental charity dedicated to the conservation of the River Tyne for everyone to treasure and enjoy. We care passionately about all aspects of the river: Salmon and Sea-trout are a vital component of a healthy Tyne, being a key part of the food chain, a strong indicator of improving water […]
National Lottery funding brings Resilience to Tyne Rivers Trust
12th September 2017National Lottery funding brings Resilience to Tyne Rivers Trust In December, Tyne Rivers Trust was awarded £50,900 of National Lottery funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund’s (HLF) Resilience programme to build the Trust and make it a more robust and resilient organisation. The money, raised by National Lottery players, will be used to make the […]
Volunteers tackle Tyne Invasives
Like many rivers the Tyne and its tributaries have been colonised by non-native plant species. In some cases they have arrived here accidently and in other cases have been brought here as a garden plant and then escaped into the wild. Often these plants have spread rapidly and formed dense patches, this alters the composition […]
Volunteer Newsletter 15th August
15th August 2017Dear Volunteers, I thought you might like the above photograph, I spent yesterday up in Kielder with colleagues releasing Water Voles for the Restoring Ratty project, hopefully we can have a volunteer task doing this next year! Just a quick email to remind you of Thursdays task: • Thursday 17th August- Balsam bash- Mohope- 10.30am (leaving […]