Our patron, Alexander Armstrong, talks about his memories of growing up along the Tyne rivers and the positive influence they have had on his life.
Why not show your love for the #Tyne rivers with a gift from our shop? 100% of each sale helps us to support a better river, better region and better life for everyone.
We are recruiting a Chief Executive Officer to lead Tyne Rivers Trust. We are looking for an individual who brings business and managerial expertise to TRT, and who is passionate about wanting to create a bio-diverse environment for people and wildlife to thrive, now and for all time. You can read the recruitment pack here: […]
We recently worked with community groups and local artists to run a series of free activities for residents including guided walks along the River Don, climate resilience workshops, litter-picks and art projects after receiving £96,000 from the UK Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund for the ‘Total River Therapy’ project. Our thanks to the Shields […]